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  /  Blog   /  The celebration of San Giuseppe and the “tavulata di virgineddi”

The celebration of San Giuseppe and the “tavulata di virgineddi”

Father’s day and the “festa di San Giuseppe” (Saint Giuseppe’s day) are celebrated on March 19th. This feast is still very heartfelt today in the little town of Lascari, where a certain program is followed during the period of 18-19 March.

The tradition involves the classic “Vampa” (fire) on March 18th, with the subsequent distribution of bread and sausage to all participants. For the real feast of Sain Giuseppe, a banquet is set up with local products (pasta with wild fennel, cassateddi stuffed with chickpeas, cacao and cinnamon and “sfinci di San Giuseppe”). The banquet is blessed by the priest and, subsequently, the exposed food gets offered to all the believers.

In ancient times, the noble prepared the table and distributed the food to the poor, in honor of San Giuseppe. Even though the banquet isn’t set up by the wealthy anymore, the distribution order of the foodstuffs has remained unchanged. The first ones to take their portion of food are the kids who have recently received the First Communion.
Because of this custom, the table of Saint Joseph is also known as the “Tavulata di virgineddi” (table of the virgins)